What is Steel Bending?

Steel bending, for sport/hobby, is done by bending steel using the power and leverages of your own body. There are two main types of steel bending: Unbraced and Braced.

UNBRACED BENDING is done by only using the upper body to complete a bend. No assistance of the lower body is allowed during the feat. The three main styles of unbraced bending are Double Overhand, Double Underhand, and Reverse.

In BRACED BENDING the bender is allowed to use their legs, hips, and knees in conjunction with their upper body to complete the task. The only body part that can't be used is the feet. 

Bending steel has been around for as long as steel has been around, which is about 4000 years. It was even documented that Leonardo DaVinci used to bend horseshoes to impress onlookers. It is a great way to develop self confidence and overall physical strength.