Braced Bend Leaderboard

Welcome to the Braced Bending leaderboard. In order to have you name on this list you must adhere to the following in your attempts:
1.) Double wraps are allowed (Leather or Cordura)
2.) Material rankings will be 1. Ogopogo 2. Nanook 3. Moose 4. Amarok 5. Goose
3.) You can cut down the material in 1/2" chunks. The shortest length on the toughest material will take first spot.
4.) 5 Minute time limit.
5.) If submitting a video please adhere to the video certification rules on our main rules page.

Good Luck! 

Dave Nisbet  I  5" Nanook Bolt  I  August 16th, 2021 (Canada)

Robert McKenzie  I  7" Moose Bar  I  August 28th, 2021 (Canada) 

Eva Goldthorp  I  7" Goose Bar  I  August 15th, 2021 (Canada) 

Shayna McKenzie  I  7" Goose Bar  I  August 28th, 2021 (Canada)